Important News

Pippin Needs Cereal Boxes

The RHHS Spring Musical, Pippin, is seeking cereal boxes (or boxes of that thickness) for a costume project related to the show.

Annual NAHS Coffeehouse

The annual Coffeehouse, hosted by the RHHS National Art Honor Society, is on Friday, February 23rd from 6pm-8pm!

PTA Reflections

Congratulations to the RHHS students who placed in the Howard County PTA Reflections arts program!

Jr. Interviews

Jr. Interviews will take place March 15, 2018 in the Media Center from 7:00 am - 2:10 pm.


Congratulations goes out to Team Rubber Restrictor of River Hill High School!

Principal Letter, February

With the January calendar flipping to February, we transition to the second semester of this school year.


WEAR AND THINK PINK! Support the American Cancer Society in fighting breast cancer.