Athletics News
- Spring Athletic Registration Information: OPENS JANUARY 15
- Athletic Registration Information:
- On Wednesday, February 22, we will hold spring athletics interest meetings during Hawk Time.
- Instructions for Sports Registration: DUE BY: February 27 (DO NOT SEND DOCUMENTS VIA EMAIL; FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS)
Sports Teams
Athletic Rules of Conduct
*All middle school aged (and younger) students must be accompanied by an adult.
*For stadium events at River Hill: The sidelines and track area behind all teams are for authorized school personnel only (coaches/players/officials/approved media/school staff). No students, parents or other spectators will be allowed past the yellow barriers at River Hill High School. Media passes for photography, etc, will be issued upon request by head coaches.
*Be a fan, NOT a fanatic. Cheer like crazy but keep it positive and keep the focus on your classmates, not the opposing team. We want the experience of attending any event at River Hill to be a fun and positive one for all students, players, and attendees. Hawks rise together!
Respect the game, respect the officials, respect the players.
Support our school/community and demonstrate positive sportsmanship.
Repeat chants 3 times! Let the team hear you! Be creative and POSITIVE!
Stay on your designated spectator side for all games.
Thank the officials and the hosts at the end of the game.
Plan ahead for a way home immediately after the game.
Bring outside food & drink in the stadium or gym.
Bring noise makers or backpacks or pets.
Use profanity or throw objects.
Target/harass teams/individual players/coaches/referees/or opposing fans.
Enter the playing area. (No storming court or field after the end of game.)
Once you leave the premises, you are not permitted to re-enter.
Season Start Dates 2025-2026
Fall Sports Tryouts: Starting August 13, 2025, DEADLINE to REGISTER is August 11, 2025
Winter Sports Tryouts: Starting November 15, 2025, DEADLINE to REGISTER is November 13, 2025
Spring Sports Tryouts: Starting March 1, 2026 DEADLINE to REGISTER is February 26, 2026
*Tryouts typically last 3 days, after those dates the teams will start practicing together, play in scrimmages and then games. If you tryout for a team you are expected to be present at all team activities, please plan around your sport specific schedule. Please e-mail your respective coach directly for details on scheduling.
HCPSS Athletic Participation Resources
Student athletic policy agreement form for new student athletes.
Sports Concussion Testing Program and Release of Information
Agreement for families that acknowledge HCPSS may administer pre-concussion baseline testing and post-concussion testing after a sports-related injury.
HCPSS Athletics Concussion Information Sheet
Overview of concussion signs and symptoms that can occur in student athletes.
Pre-participation Physical Evaluation Form
Physician forms for future student athletes to fill out prior to sport seasons.
Medication Procedure Information
Protocols for administration of student medication during school hours along with a medication administration history form for physicians.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information
Acknowledgement statement and guidelines for identifying and responding to a cardiac arrest scenario.