Active Minds
Active Minds is a nationwide organization that works to promote mental health and reduce the stigma of mental illness. The goal is to spread information to support mental health and reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Sign up here:
Room: 137
Date: Monthly
Time: 2:15 PM
Sponsor: Dulce Souidi
Active Minds is student-directed, so what we do is determined by our membership. Some of the things our chapter has done include:
1. Increasing the awareness of the students, faculty, and staff at River Hill High School about:
• issues surrounding mental health
• symptoms related to mental health disorders
• mental health resources available both at River Hill and in the surrounding community
2. Removing stigma surrounding mental health disorders so that students will feel more comfortable openly discussing mental-health related issues and seeking help when it is needed
3. Promoting general awareness of the importance of mental health.
4. Providing students with easy access to information.
What we are not: Active Minds does not provide counseling or any form of mental healthcare, so an Active Minds chapter is not, nor will ever be, a peer counseling or support group. You can learn more about the national organization at