The Spring Sports season is upon us! Check out the following information to prepare you for the upcoming 2016-17 season...
Spring Sports Form Turn In Night
Wednesday, February 22nd @ 6:00 pm in the Auditorium Lobby
Monday, February 27th @ 6:00 pm in the Cafeteria
Students may not try-out until all forms are signed and collected.
1. Athletic Participation Form Insurance and Parent Permission. Collected each season/each sport.
2. Physical Examination Form Dated after April 1, 2016. Collected once a year.
3. Concussion Testing Program and Release of Information Valid for two years from date of test.
(Spring) Mandatory for Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse and pole vaulters.
(Fall) Mandatory for Cheerleading, Football, Soccer, Field Hockey, Volleyball.
4. Concussion Information Sheet Collected once a year.
5. Residency Verification Collected each season. Documents of proof are a current utility bill, excluding cell phone bill, or a copy of a lease or rental agreement, or deed of trust.
6. Birth Certificate Copy on file once for high school career.
7. Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Form (One for each sport in which student participates)
8. Final Report Card Copy for 10th, 11th and 12th graders.
ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY - All incoming 9th Graders are eligible for the Fall season.
ALL OTHER STUDENTS: You must have at least a 2.0 GPA for the 4th Marking Period with no more than one E. (Summer school grades can replace failing final grades.)
NOTE: Forms are also available in front office.
Concussion Testing
Concussion Testing is at 2:30 pm in the lab of the media center. Athletes must sign up outside of the athletic training room. If anyone has a conflict or is not sure if they need to test please contact DQ (
Wednesday, February 22nd
Thursday, February 23rd
Friday, February 24th
Monday, February 27th
Spring Team Pictures will be on Wednesday, March 15th.