Health Room

Health Room


Health Room

Health room hours:

  • 7:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Health room numbers:

  • 410-313-8601

Health room usage:

  • Must have a signed pass at all times from a staff member to enter the Health Room unless during Break/Lunch or an emergency.
  • A medication order is required to get medications in health room or to carry emergency meds (Epipen and inhalers).
Medication authorization that has to be completed by child's physician. This school system requirement for medication administration must be followed in order for students to take medication during school hours and school sponsored events.
Medication form for students with allergic reactions to be completed by physician/authorized prescriber
Health care order form for diabetes management at school.
Physical examination form to be completed by a student's physician for enrollment in HCPSS.
Indicates restrictions or limits for physical activities during school programs.