Important Senior Class Information

A Senior Class Meeting was held this week to provide our students with information about caps & gowns.  Each Senior received a packet of information and a reservation form.  Online ordering will be available in the next several weeks.  Additionally, the gradation window is May 24 - June 3, 2016.  The exact RHHS graduation date and time will not be available until spring.  Our graduation coordinator Mr. DiFato shared an app with them called REMIND so that they can receive electronic reminders and updates.  Parents are welcome to join the conversation as well.  To join send a text to 81010 and in the subject line add: @rh2016grad.  You can also access the site with the link to REMIND.

Mrs. McKinley, our Principal, met with Seniors and shared the message about their leadership, their commitment to excellence, and the wonderful year that will challenge them and that they will remember for a lifetime.  She shared a quote, "Whatever you are, be a good one."  (Abraham Lincoln)

Senior transcripts have been uploaded to Naviance and are being submitted according to student requests and deadlines indicated on the transcript request form.  Students are encouraged to make sure the information for teachers is complete in Naviance so that recommendations can be completed.