NHS News


As for the future of NHS, it has become evidently clear to us that there is essentially no way to carry on with NHS this year. This means that Semester 2 hours, the flower fundraiser, and all other NHS activities for this year have been canceled. 

This, I'm sure, raises tons of questions:

FOR SENIORS: It is currently unclear what we will be doing in regards to stoles. At this time, they have not yet been ordered; however, we are assuming that the senior members still want the stoles. Unless it comes to our attention that students do NOT want the stoles, we will follow through with an order soon and reach out to you with a plan for distribution. Additionally, all of the probations are being dropped, so all members who have not received any notification of expulsion will be receiving a stole. Other than that, we want to thank the seniors for their hard work and dedication to the National Honor Society over the last two years!

FOR JUNIORS: As stated above, we have made the decision to excuse all probations that have been accumulated until this point. This means that all members will be starting over with a clean slate next year. The other major thing that needs to be addressed is the elections for next year's NHS board. Under normal circumstances, the elections would have already been held; however, with everyone being at home and online, it would be very difficult to hold online elections. Because of this, we have decided to hold elections at the first meeting of next year. For this to be possible, all students that are interested in being a board member next year will need to be prepared for elections by the first meeting. If this is you, please keep an eye out for future announcements with more information!

Once again, we want to thank everyone for their dedication to NHS this year. We are so grateful for all of your hard work and, even though our time together was cut short, we still feel like we were able to accomplish some great feats. We are so incredibly proud of you!

Thanks again,

The NHS Board