Presentation from Scheduling Night (1/13)
If you missed our Scheduling Night/Open House, you can check out our presentation HERE. Please reach out to your school counselor with questions.
Course Registration
We are beginning the course request and registration process for the 2025-2026 school year at River Hill High School. Parents and students will be entering course requests through their HCPSS Connect Accounts. Please reference the HCPSS Catalog of Approved CoursesLinks to an external site. when making your selections. In addition, please be sure to review prerequisites of each course. HCPSS's overview of registration is linked here.Links to an external site. Student: Please make sure you have completed your course registration by January 14th.
December 2 - December 10 - Teachers in core content areas enter recommendations and discuss recommendations with students.
December 18th - Scheduling and Course Registration Presentation - Hawk Time
December 16 - January 14 - Students and Parents will request courses through HCPSS Connect. Window opens December 16 at 8am and closes on January 14 at 4:00pm
January 8 - Scheduling Information Parent Night Incoming 9th Grade Presentation | Current 9th-11th Graders Presentation
January 15 - February 19 - Counselors will meet with all 9-11th graders to review course requests - appointments will be made through English Classes for 9th and 10th graders, 11th and 12th graders by counselor appointments.
HCPSS Course Registration Website - Full of resources a guides, a great place to start and explore.
High School Elective Options
Be informed about the elective choices you make! After watching the HCPSS Course Registration overview, be sure to view River Hill's summary video as well to understand the specific process we're using here in our building. Then peruse the individual videos below to learn more about specific electives you might be interested in taking. You can also view this Electives Flyers PowerPoint.
Registration Documentation
Course Options: Current 8th Graders | Current 9th Graders | Current 10th Graders | Current 11th Graders
HCPSS Connect - Link to Begin Course Registration
Instructions for Online Course Registration
If a student would like to enroll in a different level course than what was recommended by their teacher, parents/guardians can complete and submit a Course Placement Review form online through HCPSS Connect Synergy. Please note, if a course option is not available in the drop down menu, parents/guardians will need to download and complete a paper form and submit it to their child’s school counselor.
Students - Counselor Meetings
Beginning January 15th, counselors will meet with every current 9th - 11th grade students to review course placements. Ninth and tenth graders will meet with their counselors during English classes, while eleventh graders will receive passes during the school day. If you need additional information or support, visit your counselor:
Nicole Seymour (A-C)
Jill Babe (D-J)
Yvette Pruett (K-M)
Phil Vangeli (N-Sh)
Kelly Denison (Si-Z)