Spring Athletics Registration Opens January 13th ! Are you ready?
See the resources below:
Click Here River Hill-Spring Athletic Eligibility & Tryout Information
For sport-specific information, please see below. If you have general questions about the paperwork required for the winter sports season, please see below. Paperwork questions can be directed toward the head coach for each sport.
Allied Golf - Coach contact: Stephanie Stoutenborough at stephanie_stoutenborough@hcpss.org (Email for start date)
Allied Softball - Coach contact: Brian Van Deusen at brian_vandeusen@hcpss.org (Email for start date)
Baseball - Coach contact: Craig Estrin at bjbspecialties@erols.com
Boys' Lacrosse - Coach contact: Keith Gonsouland at keith_gonsouland@hcpss.org
Girls' Lacrosse - Coach contact: Amy Weinberg at amy_weinberg@hcpss.org
Outdoor Track & Field (Boys' & Girls') - Coach contact: Donnie Richmond at sprinterace1984@gmail.com & Ammera Schmidt at ammschmidt@gmail.com
Softball - Coach contact: Roo Saglimbeni at roo_saglimbeni@hcpss.org
Tennis (Boys' & Girls') - Coach contact: Kelley Pfefferkorn at kelley_pfefferkorn@hcpss.org
*What to Bring: Water bottle (large size), cleats/turf shoes (lacrosse/baseball/softball), sneakers/track shoes (tennis/track), athletic clothing for all; be prepared for outdoors and cold weather. Please contact your sport specific coaches for questions about equipment and scheduling.
*Anyone who is planning to try out for a team should be sure to check with sport specific coaches on schedules/details; once tryouts are completed, all teams will begin official team practices, scrimmages and then games. Spring sports participants should be prepared to potentially play during spring break as well. Refer to your coaches for scheduling details.