The Amanda Post “AmandaWins” River Hill High School Student-Athlete Scholarship

This scholarship is offered in loving memory of Amanda Josephine Post, who passed away in 2009 during her freshman year at River Hill High School. This $5,000 scholarship is available to a River Hill High School student currently in their senior year, who has played a minimum of one year on any River Hill junior varsity or varsity sports team. Candidates must plan to attend an accredited two- or four-year college/university or trade school.

The Community Foundation of Howard County has automated the application process, so students can find all they need to apply at the following two links (the SAC link for any RHHS seniors who have played at SAC for one/more years in high school):

Applications are being accepted through Friday, March 9, 2018. Please contact Mrs. Pizzo ( if you have any questions.