Jump Start Dual Enrollment Options at RHHS

As you already may know, high schools offer many options for students to take advantage of dual enrollment with Howard Community College (HCC). Courses like English 121 and Principles of Business are examples of how high school courses/college courses are mapped through curriculum to give students a jump on their college education and prepare them for a career by earning college credits at the same time they are earning high school credits for graduation.

Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, expanded JumpStart (dual enrollment) programs will be introduced at River Hill High School.  Flexible Options will give students the opportunity to explore careers and interests, gain exposure to college coursework, and increase college success. Students are able to take one or more classes per year at our high school, in all grades, or take courses on the HCC campus, most typically during the 12th grade year.  Some of these college courses may include world language, art, music technology, English, business, and social studies in addition to continuing options for Honors, GT, and AP classes.  Structured Options put students on the fast track for advanced education by making the commitment to an Early College program starting in 9th or 10th grade. These programs combine high school-based and HCC campus-based dual credit courses for a structured pathways to high school graduation in general studies, entrepreneurship, cybersecurity, computer science, or criminal justice.  Additional programs such as STEM, public health and health sciences will be offered at OMHS.  Students who complete the early college program will earn 30 college credits and students who elect to earn dual degrees, both a high school diploma from HCPSS and an AA degree from HCC, will earn 60 college credits.  All dual enrollment courses will be weighted and calculated in the GPA.

We will hold assemblies in December for our 9th, 10th, and 11th graders.  All students who are interested in participating in either the flexible options (one class or more) or the structured options (30 or 60 credits) will need to complete the INTEREST APPLICATION.  The good news is that this is a form that asks students to identify interest in dual credit coursework so this is NOT a college application that requires an essay, SAT scores, or grade reports.

If you want to learn more, please visit the HCPSS website.  Also, don't forget to complete the INTEREST APPLICATION by December 22, 2017.  Please note that the application is required for all students, including students from other designated high schools (due to over-capacity enrollment) and students at RHHS.  Registration for course selections will begin in January, 2018.