ARL Shadow Days

Hello 9th and 10th grade students and parents - see schedule below for ARL Shadow Days in November. Permission slips and flier are attached. Also you can click the ARL link below for more infor on the academies.  If you have any questions see your counselor.


1/31 AM (Snow date 2/6 AM)
current 10th graders only - Construction Management, Biotechnology, Computer Essentials- Cybersecurity, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Animation and Interactive Media

1/31 PM (Snow date 2/6 PM)
current 10th graders only - Hotel and Restaurant Management and Health Professions

1/30 AM (Snow date 2/7 AM)
current 10th graders only Computer Networking-Cybersecurity, Architectural Design, Academy of Finance, Automotive Technology, Systems and Project Engineering, Graphic Design

2/1 AM (Snow date 2/8 AM)
current 9th graders only Aerospace and Early College Program in Cybersecurity


Permission Slip for 11/8

Permission Slip for 11/7 Morning session

Permission Slip for 11/7 Afternoon session

Permission Slip for 11/9

Flier for ARL Shawdow Day