September College Visits

Attention Juniors and Seniors!

Please sign up for these college visits through Naviance. If you need assistance with navigating in Naviance, please see your counselor. Sign up confirmation notices will be sent to your BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). During class time, show your teacher your BYOD confirmation as your pass from class. Thank you!

9/12/2017 8:00 AM Duke University
9/12/2017 10:00 AM US Coast Guard Academy
9/13/2017 1:00 PM FIDM-Los Angeles
9/14/2017 12:30 PM University of MD-College Park
9/19/2017 11:00 AM UC San Diego
9/20/2017 8:30 AM Women's College of Notre Dame
9/20/2017 9:30 AM Colby University
9/20/2017 10:45 AM Duquesne University
9/20/2017 1:30 PM Temple Univ.
9/25/2017 8:00 AM Northwestern University
9/25/2017 10:30 AM NC State
9/25/2017 11:15 AM Univ. of Pittsburgh
9/25/2017 12:20 PM Randolph-Macon
9/26/2017 10:30 AM Catawba College
9/27/2017 10:00 AM Elon College
9/27/2017 11:00 AM University of Colorado
9/28/2017 7:30 AM Ursinus College
9/28/2017 8:00 AM Frostburg State University
9/28/2017 10:15 AM Albright College
9/28/2017 11:00 AM New York University
9/29/2017 8:00 AM Univ. of Miami
9/29/2017 9:15 AM Univ. of Southern Calif
9/29/2017 1:30 PM Davidson College