Permission Slips for ARL Shadow Days due FRIDAY 10/28

**Shadow Day is only for current 10th  and 11th grade students.

The Applications & Research Lab will be hosting Shadow Days on November 10-11, 2016 for students interested in seeing what the career academies entail. The shadow days are for 10th graders (academy classes will be in their 11th and 12th grade years) with the exception of Aerospace and Early College Program in Cybersecurity which are for 9th graders (academy classes will be in their 10th, 11th, and 12th grade years).

If you are interested in attending the shadow days complete one of the attached permission slips and return to your counselor by October 28, 2016.

Bus transportation to and from the ARL will be provided on the 10th and 11th and the absence from classes will be coded as a field trip. The career academies are a county wide program so space in each academy is limited.

If after attending the shadow day you are interested in participating make sure you inform your counselor and then also indicate your desire to enroll on the schedule request form you will fill out in January of 2017.

If you have any questions about the career academies ask your counselor or see link below. November 10, 2016 AM Shadow Days (1st and 2nd periods) - Construction Management, Biotechnology, PC Systems, Aerospace Engineering, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and Animation and Interactive Media November 10, 2016 PM Shadow Days (5th and 6th periods) - Health Professions and Hotel and Restaraunt Management November 11, 2016 AM Shadow Days (1st and 2nd periods) - Computer Networking, Architectural Design, Early College Program in Cybersecurity, Automotive Technology, Systems and Project Engineering, and Graphic design

Shadow Day Permission Slip 11.10.16 PM.doc

Shadow Day Permission Slip 11.10.16 AM.doc

Shadow Day Permission 11.11.16 AM.doc


Student Services: 

Mr. Ives - last names A-F
Mrs. Pizzo - last names G-Mac
Mr. Vangeli - last names Mad-Sha
Mr. Krouse - last names She-Z