National Spanish Examination 2016 (AATSP)

American Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese (AATSP)

RHHS students taking a Spanish class will again be eligible to participate in the National Spanish Examination. The exam, administered by over 3,000 teachers nationwide, is designed to recognize student achievement and promote the study of Spanish as a second language. In addition, it is a great tool for preparing students to take other standardized tests such as the Advanced Placement exam, SAT II and college placement exams. The exam is open to RHHS students enrolled in Spanish.  The exam is given to students in Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 AST and 5 AP.   This is an excellent opportunity for your student to build his/her resume and receive recognition for all his/her hard work in Spanish!  Students who achieve outstanding scores earn national recognition from the American Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese (AATSP). In addition, juniors scoring above the 75th percentile are eligible to apply for the Junior Travel Award.  There is also a Senior Scholarship available from AATSP. This year one student has applied for the Jr. Travel Award to Ecuador and another has applied for a College Scholarship. 

The cost of the exam is $6.00 per student. Please register through your child’s Spanish teacher no later than January 24, 2014.  Please send payment with the registration form. Payment can be made by check (made out to RHHS) or by cash (exact amount).  Please note there are no refunds if you child does not take the exam. The exam will be administered between Monday, April 4 and Wednesday, April 6, 2016.  The exam in administered after school on a computer.  The exam begins at 2:15 and is over by 4:15 p.m.

Students will be receiving detailed information about how to prepare for the exam. Students are strongly encouraged to study independently using the numerous practice exams and resources on the National Spanish Examination website.

Please feel free to contact World Language teachers with any questions.