7:20 AM Bell Rings in the Start of School

Did you know that the school doors are open early every morning.  Students arrive in waves starting with the earlybirds who arrive well before 7:00 AM, the bus riders who begin arriving around 7:00 AM, the punctual car riders who make it into the building by 7:15 AM and then the "under the wire" group that runs into the building from 7:20-7:35 AM.  If your student is part of the "under the wire" group, he/.she is late.  The first bell rings at 7:20 AM and ALL students should be in the building at that time.  The next bell rings at 7:25 AM and ALL teachers begin class at that time.  That means that students should walk into the building by 7:20 AM and be seated in class by 7:25 AM.

The HCPSS Attendance Policy 9010 includes the following standards or expections:

IV. Standards

  • A. Annual Notification: Attendance guidelines will be communicated annually to all students, parents, and staff.
  • B. Attendance Expectations: All students are expected to attend school regularly in accordance with state law and regulation and this policy and may be excused from class or school only for reasons as specified in state law and regulation and this policy.
  • C. Denial of Credit: Any high school student with absences constituting five percent (5%) of a semester or a yearlong course will be considered for denial of credit. (HCPSS Policy 8020)
  • D. Discipline: Disciplinary consequences for unlawful/unexcused absences will be applied as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Students cannot be suspended or expelled solely for attendance-related offences.
  • E. Entry/Exit: For enrollment purposes, students will be entered and exited using the procedures outlined in the Maryland Student Records System Manual.
  • F. Exemplary Attendance: Schools will recognize students with exemplary attendance.
  • G. Make-up Work: A student may make up work missed due to lawful absence and receive a recorded grade in accordance with Policies 8010, Grading and Reporting: Pre-kindergarten thru Grade 8, and 8020, Grading and Reporting: High School.
  • H. Monitoring of Attendance: Teachers will maintain daily/period attendance records for all students.
  • I. Retention of Attendance Source Documents: Attendance source documents will be retained in accordance with guidelines outlined in the Maryland Student Records System Manual.
  • J. Support for Students: Supports and interventions will be provided through school problem-solving teams for students who are chronically absent and/or habitually truant.

Denial of credit, disciplinary consequences, and the ability to complete make-up work are critical components that may impact a student's success in school.  Parents should review the Attendance Policy and the Grading and Reporting Policy to understand fully the implications of repeated tardies and denial of credit.  If parents are driving students to school, please understand that traffic patterns increase in bad weather and at the first bell time.  It is important to plan accordingly.  Cars should pull all the way to the furthest point in the circle and students should be ready to unload as soon as the vehicle stops.

Please contact one of the administrators if you need additional information or clarification.