Joe Corbi's and Mrs. Fields Gourmet Foods Fundraiser

Representative Mrs. Cynthia Sambuco from Joe Corbi's and Mrs. Field's came to River Hill on Monday, October 12 to present our fall fundraiser and share with the students the opportunity to potentially make enough money to support many of our Senior events next year.  We also had a pizza making contest - Co-Sponsors vs Students....Co-Sponsors won.  Better luck at our meeting!  Click here to see a photo.

This fundraiser runs from October 12 - October 29.  All orders and money are due to Mrs. McQueeney on Thursday, October 29 by 2:30pm.  Orders will be available for pick up during parent teacher conferences on Tuesday, November 24.  For additional details, click here.

We will be able to provide incentives to our top sellers such as a tablet, prom tickets, and gift cards.  Extra cookie dough will be provided to each student who sells at least 12 items.

Brochures were handed out to all Juniors who attended the class meeting.  Additional brochures can be picked up from Mr. Parrish in room 233 or in the front office.

To share the order booklet with local friends and family to obtain extra orders, please have them visit:  Online ordering and delivery are not available.

If you have never enjoyed food from either of these quality vendors, now is the time to try! Click here for more information on Joe Corbi's and Mrs. Fields products. Everything is pre-packaged, easy to make, and convenient to take on the go.

Volunteer opportunities will be forthcoming for the delivery of the final orders and the distribution to our customers.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your support!