Positives All Over The Place!

Fri, 04/29/2016 - 7:15am

Students and staff arrived to school on Monday morning to find the walls, lockers, and other surfaces covered with over 8,000 Post-It Notes containing positive messages (like "You are a great friend" and "You are incredible!"), encouragements (like "Never give up" and "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. - Theodore Roosevelt"), artistic drawings, jokes, and more.  These messages were all part of River Hill's version of the Sticking Together Project.  The event was spearheaded by River Hill's Active Minds chapter with significant support from students and staff from our National Art Honor Society, National Honor Society, and National Spanish Honor Society.  Students were encouraged to take the notes home, give them to a friend or loved one, stick them on their notebooks or on themselves, etc.  Smiles were rampant as students enjoyed selecting from the thousands of different messages.  The purpose of the activity, according to Active Minds Co-Advisor and school psychologist, Dr. Jonathan Solomon, was to enhance the school climate and focus on positive mental health.  Active Minds students worked well into Sunday night getting the notes posted in time for Monday morning's school day.  Want to know more about the event?  Ask your student or contact Active Minds Co-Advisors Mr. Napolitano or Dr. Solomon.