Interim Grades Oct. 7th

Fri, 10/02/2015 - 1:18pm

26 days into Quarter 1 leads us to the interim reporting time.  Please keep in mind that the interim grade is a progress report to allow parents and students to review progress to date and make any adjustments necessary for the remainder of the quarter.  With new technology systems, our teachers have been working diligently to report accurate progress, which is a snapshot in time.  It is important for parents to understand that the report that students bring home on October 7th may not include all of the student's grades, since teaching and learning keeps moving every day.  Also, Canvas is the learning management tool that students are accessing daily; scores on Canvas are "raw" scores attached to assignments and are not necessarily calculated scores based on the grading procedures outlined for each course (categories, weighted grades, or total points). 

We appreciate that parents have been understanding and patient with the roll-out for parent access.  Many people are working behind the scenes to make sure the experience is positive and accurate.  In the meantime, your student is the first source of information about his/her daily progress.  We want our students to self-advocate and take personal responsibility for their grades and our teachers are more than willing to help guide this learning experience.  If you still need additional information or clarification about grading, you can email your student's teachers.  Since they are teaching, it may take a day or two to respond to emails and emails may also not be able to include all of the detail parents request.