Howard County School System policy excuses absences for school-related activities, required legal activities, doctor’s appointments and illness. Additionally, a student may miss no more than three (3) days per year for a purpose determined by a parent/guardian (examples – vacations, visit to a post-secondary institution, family trip). This request must be made one (1) week in advance, on the Extended Absence / Discretionary Absence Form in writing to the principal.
These days CANNOT be taken during mid-term or final exams.
For absences of up to 3 days per year, the principal may determine whether the absences will be lawful/excused or unlawful/unexcused.
For absences in excess of three days, the principal in consultation with the administrative directors will determine if the absences will be lawful/excused or unlawful/unexcused. If the request is for 15 consecutive days or more, the written request should be submitted 2 weeks in advance.
Students with unlawful absences of 10 consecutive school days or more will be withdrawn from school and may be allowed to re-enroll, provided they meet enrollment requirements, upon their return.
Students returning from lawful absences have an equal number of days to complete make-up work.
Please find the form at
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find a list of Student Services Forms.