ATTENDANCE Guidelines for RHHS
Every student should attend school at an annual rate of at least 96% or higher and, of course, report to school on time. Students who attend school regularly tend to earn high grades, enjoy school, and are more prepared for college and careers beyond high school. Regular school attendance enhances intellectual and social development. We feel that students must make a commitment to their academic development to be successful both in school and in their future.
Excused Absences
HCPSS Policy 9010 excuses absences for school-related activities, required legal activities, doctor’s appointments, and illness. A student may not miss more than three (3) days per year for a discretionary purpose determined by a parent/guardian (examples—vacations, visit to a post-secondary institution, family trip). This request must be made in advance in writing to the principal and these days should NOT be taken during exams (mid-terms or finals).
A parent/guardian is asked to notify the office on days students are absent by sending an email to our Attendance Secretary, Anne Marie Key at When returning, the student must present a note, including the name and grade of student, date(s) of the absence, reason for the absence, and the signature of parent or guardian; the note must be presented to the first period teacher or the attendance secretary within five school days of returning to school. If no note is submitted after five school days, the absence will remain unexcused. The principal may require medical verification or other documentation if a pattern of excessive absences develops.
Unexcused Absences
Any absence which is not within the HCPSS definition of an excused absence will be considered unexcused, even if parental permission was received. Examples of unexcused absences include: oversleeping, car trouble, missing the school bus, running errands, shopping trips, or competitions outside of school activities. A note must be presented to the first period teacher by the student within two school days of returning to school. The student will then be issued an unexcused admit slip to present to the classroom teachers.
Truancy is defined as an unexcused absence from school and may include leaving school property without permission. Students who are truant from school are subject to the following disciplinary actions:
Class Cutting
Class cutting is defined as an unexcused absence from class without leaving school property. Students who cut class are subject to the following disciplinary actions (2 class cuts/day=2 offenses):
Leaving Campus
RHHS is legally responsible for students when they are in attendance during the school day; therefore, students may leave campus only with parental permission. Before first period, students must present an early dismissal note (including student name and grade; date, time and reason for the dismissal; parent/guardian signature; and date of the note) to the attendance office. Students must also sign out with the Attendance Office prior to leaving. Upon return, the student must sign in with the Attendance Office. Students failing to follow these procedures will receive the following consequences:
Make-Up Work
For excused absences, one school day is allowed for each day of absence to allow students to make up any work assigned during the absence. Full credit will be granted for this make-up work. Work assigned prior to the absence is due upon return to school.
Unexcused absences. No credit is granted for work a student missed during an unexcused absence. Disciplinary consequences may result from excessive truancy.
RHHS expectations for class attendance also include punctuality and preparation. Students are expected to arrive to school and class on time – with the necessary homework, books, and materials. Students should arrive to school no later than 7:20 AM, and must be in class by 7:25 AM.
Unexcused Tardiness
Students who are tardy to school, after the 7:25 bell which signals the beginning of Period 1, report to the Attendance Office in the front lobby. The following consequences will occur for repeated unexcused lateness.
Excessive lateness may require a doctor’s note to be excused. In addition, parking privileges may be revoked for students who drive and have issues with tardiness.
Students who are tardy to CLASS will simply report to that class and accept the teacher's assigned consequences. Students who are more than twenty minutes tardy to a class will be counted as truant. Habitual tardiness, which results in disruption of learning and instruction in classes, may result in additional disciplinary action.
A student may NOT participate in any extracurricular activity:
During a period of suspension from school.
On any day for which the student has an unexcused absence from school or truancy from any class.
For athletic participation, student athletes must be in attendance a minimum of 3-periods on that school day.
Denial of Credit
Policy 9010 Attendance has been revised to align school system attendance requirements with Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) standards. For high school students, consideration for denial of credit is mandated when unexcused absences constitute 5% of a course: 9 days for a course that meets every day and 4.5 days for a course that meets every other day. Such consideration is given at the teacher’s discretion when lawful and/or unlawful absences constitute 5% of a course and the student has failed to make up all work.