IEQ Reporting

Thu, 01/12/2017 - 8:56am

IEQ stands for Indoor Environmental Quality.  The process involves regular classroom checks in addition to semi-annual walk-throughs to ensure that our school maintains high standards of environmental quality.  The IEQ Team consists of central staff, a school administrator, custodial staff, teachers, and students. The team reviews some of the following that may be areas of concern: air temperature, the security of shelving units, evidence of water leaks, electrical usage, and evidence of allergens and/or pests. 

As a school staff, we will address physical space and maintenance.  As students, we need to address food around the building.  Students should only eat in the cafeteria and should help by cleaning up their own trash from lunches.  Food in classrooms continues to create problems and may also pose problems with allergies, since classroom cleaning procedures and different from those in the cafeteria.

Our community will be able to view the summary report on our website as soon as it is prepared.